Daniel Havir
- Born and raised in Czech Republic.
- Lived in California, now in New York.
- Few things matter a lot. Most things don't matter at all. That's why I can have a laugh about them.
- Trying my best to always be a little underemployed. "You waste years by not being able to waste hours."
- Big fan of people that give a shit about what they do.
- Helped organize the Vesuvius Challenge.
- Captivated by technology. Technology is not software, hardware, or code. It is applied science for practical utility. The wheel was technology; writing was technology. Today, many digital products are the opposite of technology.
Interested in artificial intelligence1 and natural stupidity2.
- 1 mostly reinforcement learning in robotics, large vision models (VLM/VLA) and its applications in the physical world
- 2 cognitive psychology (e.g. Kahneman, Tversky)
- Listening to Bob Dylan a lot.
- Submission grappling to maintain sanity.
Past work:
- Started and running Alquist Robotics [2024-]
- Worked on ML (and RL) for an autonomous robot with the Special Projects Group at Apple [2021-2023]
- Had a ton of fun working on sensor fusion (LIDAR + camera) models and ML infra at Scale AI [2019-2021]
- Played with and shipped language transformers, mostly BERT, at Klarity [2019]
- Built a myriad of applied AI projects in manufacturing, online retail, and pharmacovigilance at GoodAI [2017-2018]
- Worked on a little bit of everything and was first exposed to start ups at CDN77 [2016-2017]
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